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Let your director’s imagination run wild with the Titan arm, offering the largest range of motion and a telescopic arm. When it comes to the Titan, size does matter.
Titan 是 MRMC 最大的可移动运动控制摇臂。Titan是目前最大的运动控制机械臂,配备伸缩式动力臂,拥有最 广运动范围。与其他固定式机械臂相比,Titan 功能更多样,可带来更多创造可能性。
Titan 可负载摄影机重量为 45kg,机械臂最高高度为 8.7m,最低高度为 -0.75m。Titan的最长移动距离业内领先,长达12.98m,可助力导演挥洒无限创意。

Compact and lightweight, the Libra is a highly flexible stabilised camera mount easily riggable into most scenarios.
Fast and simple to set up it is a highly adaptable camera platform.
It accomodates all common camera / lens combinations. 35mm, 16mm, TV, Hi Def. Vista – Beaumont, IMAX – MSM camera packages.
Libra 头是一个 3 轴遥控头。它在2000年获得了奥斯卡技术成就奖,并从那时起不断升级和改进。

Alexa 65 RemoteAquaCam
The HydroFlex ALEXA 65 Remote AquaCam (RAC) is the latest version of the 35-3 Remote AquaCam System. The original 35-3 Remote AquaCam received a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (AMPAS) in 2002 and over the years has been modernized to support a wide variety of digital cameras but the ALEXA 65 Remote AquaCam is the latest adaptation of the award winning design.
HydroFlex ALEXA 65 Remote AquaCam (RAC) 是 35-3 Remote AquaCam 系统的最新版本。最初的 35-3 Remote AquaCam 在 2002 年获得了美国电影艺术与科学学院 (AMPAS) 颁发的技术成就奖,多年来经过不断的升级以支持各种摄影机,HydroFlex Alexa 65就是其中最新的版本。

Scorpio 45'
The design of this equipment has been based on the desire to reach the perfect compromise between the maximum distance of telescopic travel, the best movement of the arms, the highest possible load for the standard needs of a running-in and the possibility of being installed and operated by the technicians in a reasonably simple way.

MovieBird 50
The MB50 was designed from the start to handle very heavy head packages (maximum nose load is 80 kg). It’s much stiffer than the MB52 and MB45. Despite it’s reach of 50ft it’s still a very compact crane when retracted, easy to transport and move around on the film set. Short back end of only 2,6 m makes it easy to maneuver in tight spaces and allows high tilt angle of up to 53 degrees.
MB50从一开始就设计就是为了更大的负重(最大机头负载为 80 公斤)。它比 MB52 和 MB45 硬得多 。尽管它有 50 英尺的范围,但它在缩回时仍然是一个非常紧凑的,易于运输和在片场移动。

Panavision Primo 70 Series
Specifically designed for Large Format digital cameras, the internal mechanics of the Primo 70 lens series features internal motors and full lens metadata capabilities. Floating internal elements control breathing and allow the lens to maintain extremely high performance from infinity to close focus. While the Primo 70s are undeniably sharp, the fall-off from focus is gentle and smooth, with an organic quality to it. There is very little color fringing, coma tails, or distortion. The clean image of the Primo 70s can also allow cinematographers to dig into the shadows and pick up details that might be lost in aberrations with other lenses.
.Primo 70 镜头系列专为大画幅数码相机而设计,具有内部马达和完整的镜头元数据功能。浮动内部结构能更好的控制镜头呼吸,让镜头在从无限远到最近焦都距离保持极高的性能。虽然 Primo 70s 是锐利的,但焦点到焦外的衰减是温和而平滑的,具有有机的品质。几乎没有色边、彗发或失真。 Primo 70s 的清晰图像还可以让电影摄影师深入研究阴影并捕捉其他镜头可能会因像差而丢失的细节。

Hawk65 Vintage‘74
Hawk65 Vintage’74 lenses are the result of a ground-up design. The smart 1.3x squeeze offers an array of benefits and options. With large 24x36 mm sensors, for example, 1.3x produces the increasingly popular aspect ratio of 2:1 while making full use of the sensor’s area and resolution. A slight top / bottom crop produces widescreen ratios like 2.4:1. Meanwhile, an ingenious patented Iris Shaping System produces bokeh similar to that of a 2x squeeze for classic anamorphic flavor. By design, the soft, natural contrast and pleasing skin tones produced by these lenses work in harmony with the unique depth of field characteristics and other subtleties of large sensor imaging. Precise grinding, polishing and coating combinations tailored to each focal length result in finely-tuned contrast, curvature, falloff, streaking and haloing..
Hawk65 Vintage'74 镜头是全新设计的成果。 1.3 倍变宽提供了一系列优势。例如,对于大型 24x36 mm 传感器,1.3x 可产生日益流行的 2:1 画幅比,同时充分利用传感器的面积和分辨率。轻微的顶部 / 底部裁剪会产生 2.4:1 类似宽荧幕的比例。同时,一个巧妙的专利虹膜整形系统让这款镜头有类似于经典变形风味的 2 倍变宽的焦外光斑。这些镜头产生的柔和、自然的对比度和令人愉悦的肤色与独特的景深特性和大型传感器成像的其他细微之处相得益彰。制作时的精确研磨、抛光和涂层组合让镜头组里不同焦段的每一支镜头都有了相似的对比度、呈像曲率、焦外衰减、拉丝和光晕。

The Vintage 765 lenses are rehoused ARRIFLEX lenses from the late 1980s. These lenses offer a wonderfully classic look with great contrast and superb image quality. There are 11 lenses in this set, ranging from a 30mm to a 300mm.
Vintage 765 镜头是用 1980 年代后期的 ARRIFLEX 经典镜头改装的镜头。这些镜头具有极佳的经典成像风格,具有出色的对比度和出色的图像质量。这套有11个镜头,焦段从30mm到300mm。

Arri DNA
DNA is a completely new concept in lens development, pioneered by ARRI Rental in collaboration with visually ambitious cinematographers. Sourcing vintage optics from different historical periods, we embrace unusual image attributes that arouse an emotional response.
Selected optics are rehoused into modern lens casings, with the manufacturing carried out in-house at ARRI Rental. Each lens has its own personality, often customized for individual filmmakers, allowing stories to be told with a new visual boldness.
DNA 是镜头开发的全新理念,由 ARRI Rental 与想要更多视觉表达的电影摄影师们合作开创。我们采购了不用时期的老式光学器件,利用了不同寻常呈像特质来引起情感反应。
选定的光学元件被重新安置在现代镜头外壳中,并在 ARRI Rental 内部进行制造。让每个镜头都有自己的个性,通常为个别电影制作人定制,让故事可以被全新的视觉表达所大胆的讲述。